
The Dangers Of Acquiring Waterborne Diseases From Drinking Unfiltered Water

December 4, 2018

When it comes to drinking water, the number one concern that everyone has is whether or not it is safe. In some parts of the world, the water from the tap is assumed to be safe, but there are places where water is known to be dangerous and where water filtration isn’t just a good idea, but is actually vital for the health and safety for everyone drinking it. In these parts of the world, getting sick, or even dying from drinking water, is a very real possibility.

Waterborne Diseases Found in Unfiltered Water
Unfiltered water can contain many dangers. Viruses, microorganisms, and bacteria are all found in drinking water and they can all lead to potentially fatal diseases if consumed. In some parts of the world, like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other United Arab Emirates regions, the dangers posed by unfiltered water cannot even be completely eliminated by switching to bottled water. The best way to ensure that water is safe to drink is through a reliable filtration system.

Some of the waterborne diseases that can be found in unfiltered water includes salmonella, hepatitis A, copper poisoning, excess fluoride, and even E. coli. Here are some of the other most common diseases that can be found in the water supply.

  • Giardia
  • Legionella
  • Norovirus
  • Shigella
  • Campylobacter
  • Cryptosporidium

According to data gathered by the World Health Organization, this is just a short list of water diseases and the actual dangers are not restricted to these illnesses. In fact, there is a lot more to consider than just the content of the water itself.

So-SAFE: A Solution to the Dangers Posed by Tap Water in Dubai
Filtering water prevents diseases as long as you use a reliable and professional filtration system. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), there can be numerous causes for waterborne illnesses including contamination inside of the water storage facilities, through failing or replacement pipe systems, as well as direct contamination of the water itself. The problem with bottled water is that unscrupulous companies can bottle tap water and sell it without fear of reprisal because of very little regulation. Although the UAE government claims that the water in Dubai and other areas is mostly safe, experts recommend avoiding both tap water and bottled water entirely in these regions.

That’s why So-SAFE is the perfect water purification system for the UAE.  For more than a quarter of a century, So-SAFE has been making water around the world safe to drink through their various purification processes. You don’t have to rely on other water treatment companies in UAE to ensure that your drinking water is fresh and clean. When it comes to Water in Dubai, having a reliable company like So-Safe is your best bet among water filtration companies in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, & UAE.

How to Get Started with So-SAFE
When it comes to your home, you want water to be as safe as possible for your family no matter what you are using it for. Having a water filter in Dubai is vital not only for drinking, but also for a healthy skin when showering and even for doing laundry. With portable water purifiers and units that can keep the entire home water supply clean, So-SAFE is the best choice for ultraviolet, reverse osmosis, and ultra-filtration units of any size or any need.

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