
Is your tap water safe to drink? The dangers hidden in your water tank!

December 4, 2018

Have you looked in your water tank recently? Chances are that it isn’t an everyday task you would choose to carry out, but are you aware of what could be hiding in there?” width=”604″ height=”402″
Have you looked in your water tank recently? Chances are that it isn’t an everyday task you would choose to carry out, but are you aware of what could be hiding in there?

Depending on how often you thoroughly clean all of the pipes around your house or how much trust you place in your landlord, there could be a lot more to what comes out of your taps and shower than meets the eye.

Although the water may come from a good source, as it travels through desalination plants and goes through a rigorous clean up process, it still has a long way to go before it enters your water tank.

Poorly maintained piping
The state of the pipes it travels through can often be a major cause of dirty water coming through your taps, as it can sit there in tanks that could be littered with dead animals and other grime.

Not suitable for drinking
According to Smashing Services, a cleaning company in Dubai, “99.5% of water is not fit for drinking”, a statistic that may shock homeowners across the nation.
The managing director of this company commented on the kinds of pollutants that can find their way into your water tank, including various animals that have died, such as birds and rodents. Other pollutants have been known to include building supplies and leaks from nearby industry works.

Contaminated shower water
If you come into contact with contaminated water, it could cause serious problems to happen to the affected area, and there have been cases of skin conditions developing after taking a shower with this kind of contaminated water.

However, this is by no means the case. This dirty water is simply the cause of unsealed piping and tanks which could easily be avoided.

Even tanks that are effectively sealed can develop what is known as ‘bio-film’, which is essentially bacterial slime, and can turn up in your water tank alongside mold, spores and fungi; contaminants which have been proved to be related to some respiratory conditions.

To enforce stringent water cleaning on a municipal basis would require a massive effort and a lot of planning, not to mention a serious amount of time before it could all be considered completely safe. Therefore, it is fortunate that there are other options available to safeguard you and your family whilst using the water that comes out of your taps.

So~Safe water filters

So~Safe has developed a range of water filters that can be added on to your taps, as well as showers, so you can encourage safe cleansing with confidence.

These taps can also be used to provide water for cooking, so you can get those salad leaves clean before they reach the table.

The Apollo Whole House Water Purification System, for example, is designed to protect you and your family from dirty tank water. It has a multi-stage purification system that provides with clean running water throughout your home. It removes dirt and suspended particles; it removes carcinogens like Chlorine and improves the taste.  

To find out more about SoSafe water filters, like our Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest news and arrange a free water test where you can find out which products will suit you best to deliver clean water throughout the house.

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